Little Boxes

Written by Julie Hoverson
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A couple who run a small store get offered a deal that might save their business...
or not.

Cast List
Shar - Kimberly Poole
    (Warp'd Space)
Janine - Tansy Undercrypt
Mr. Goedin - Rish Outfield
    (Dunesteef Audio Magazine)
Mama Leone - Femnomena
Dude - 'dillo
Bob - Leonard Streeper
Fred - Scott Spaulding
     (This Thing of Ours)
June - Gwendolyn Jensen-
     Woodard (Gypsy Audio)
Kathy - Rachel Cavic
Customer - James Sedgwick
     (Scattered Sounds Prods.)
TV Anchor - Charles Austen

Music by  Leslie Hunt (album "Your Hair is on Fire", on Jamendo)
Editing and Sound:
Julie Hoverson
Cover Design: Julie Hoverson / Photo by Kimberly Poole.

"What kind of a place is it?
Why it's kitschy little shop, can't you tell?"



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Website by Julie Hoverson (with help from Brett Coulstock).
Banner art by Brett Coulstock

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Copyright © 2008-2010 Wheeality Productions and Julie Hoverson
Last modified: 05/19/2010