Scream Queen

Written by Julie Hoverson
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classic 1980s direct to video Scream Queen finds odd things at the local horror convention.

Cast List
Tiffany Romaine - Julie Hoverson
Bitz - Amanda Furr
Jeremy Trenton - Brian Lomatewama
      of Cold December Way
Desk clerk - Melissa Pang
Scream Queen 1 - Gwendolyn Jensen
      -Woodard of Gypsy Audio
Scream Queen 2 - Tanja Milojevic of
      Lightning Bolt Theater of the Mind
Moderator - Lothar Tuppan
Bellboy - Micah Zirnhelt
Waiter - Matthew McLean
Harcorte - Domien deGroot of AudioEpics
Bruno - Edward Jones
Walter, Tiffany's agent - Lostnbronx, producer of the Adventures of Eddie K
Huckster - Matthis Rebne-Morgan
Reporter - Mark Olson
Thug - Bill Hollweg of Brokensea Audio
not a fan - Rich Matheson of Keeg’s Quest
Additional Voices - Michael Freeman , Emma Reeve, Beverly Poole, Reynaud LeBoeuf,
     Mike Campbell

Music by Footage Firm & AudioZombie 
Editing and Sound:   Julie Hoverson
Cover Design: 
Dennis Hager

"What kind of a place is it?
Why it's a hotel lobby, right now, can't you tell?"



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Website by Julie Hoverson (with help from Brett Coulstock).
Banner art by Brett Coulstock

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Copyright © 2008-2010 Wheeality Productions and Julie Hoverson
Last modified: 05/19/2010